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easyski en


  • hook.jpg
  • sequenz-rene.jpg
  • 153ca25ce6.jpg
  • RS62_Landschaft-09.jpg
  • ActionSport-14.jpg
  • CHR6674.jpg
  • IMG_7666.jpg
  • Saalbach-056.jpg
  • RS80_ActionSport-01.jpg
  • _MG_Saalbach07_0212.jpg
  • ski.jpg

Non-binding enquiry

Booking information


In case of reservation, we ask you to make a down payment of € 400 per double room and € 500 per apartment. Our bank account: Volksbank Hinterglemm, BLZ 45010, Kontonummer: 063100531 (IBAN: AT 07 4501 0000 63100531, BIC: VB OE AT WW SAL). We do not accept credit cards or EC-cards, only cash.



13.00 - 19.00 clock (in case of late arrival please call or send an e-mail)


T&Cs and storno

Not so rarethings turned out differently than you think and the booked holiday has to be canceled or terminated prematurely. The right of withdrawal according to § 18 par. 1 Z 10 FAGG does not apply. The general terms and conditions for the hotel industry apply.


Travel insurance

We strongly recommend that as a precaution for cancellation, early departure and mountain rescue (incl. Helicopter rescue) to hedge the Hotelstrono Plus or the extensive hotel cancellation insurance premium (incl. Accident benefits).


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